Magnetic Messaging
Discover Exactly What Texts to Send:
Use These 3 Texts To Get Meetups That Turn Into Sex and Relationships…

Magnetic Messaging Review : You’re about to learn three simple text messages that transform your phone into a magnet.
I’ll show you how to use these magnetic messages to turn a woman… and get her out on a date with just three texts in Magnetic Messaging .
How to pump her full of curiosity, intrigue, and desire until she’s picking up her phone and thumbing in a message…. (whether she wanted to or not)
And as weird as this sounds, will show you how to use a form of “sexual inception” to plant “erotic” thoughts of you in her mind…Igniting feelings of intense “chemistry” and connection, and has her trusting you… Thinking about you, craving you, and even fantasizing about you… desperately waiting for your next message…
Magnetic Messaging : Most importantly these texts quickly get meetups that turn into sex and relationships…
In fact you can even use these three texts to in Magnetic Messaging :
- Text your way out of the friend zone
- Jumpstart things back up with a girl that is “slipping away” (without coming across as desperate or needy)
- Get a girl you just met chasing you, fighting for your attention, working to win you over…
Magnetic Messaging Review
Even girls who had been sending “icy cold” one word responses will suddenly be eager to spend time with you…
All Because You Will Be Using A Very Specific Sequence Of Magnetic Texts Called:
The Window of Opportunity is Closing
In fact, there is a “window of opportunity” that begins closing the minute she gives you her number. Yes she was interested or attracted enough to give it to you…
But time is ticking like sand running through the hour glass..
Here’s Why….
Women expect things to “happen quick” when there is chemistry… They expect to get “swept away…”
So the longer it takes to get her out… the more she starts thinking there must NOT be anything there…
She’ll even begin to backward rationalize and start finding reasons your NOT worth meeting up with…
And she starts getting annoyed at even the slightest mistakes like:
- Sending texts that come on too strong or appear “needy”…
- Sending her lame, boring, “just another average guy” texts…
- Or trying to send her something “witty” that she just doesn’t “get”…

As the window is closing… all the time texting “back and forth” is MURDERING your chances…
In fact, you have a limited number of texts before this window CLOSES for GOOD (and you never get her out).
If you’re not sending her the right texts your just spinning your wheels…
And some other guy will get her out and STEAL HER…
Was that last part a little graphic?
I hope so
Because I’m speaking from experience… Now, If you’re like I was then you have probably experienced one of Two Common Scenarios (Nod your head if you’ve experienced one of these). Magnetic Messaging